Food Pairings with Imperial Blue

Seagram's Imperial Blue, this whiskey brand is loved and adored by everybody, and rightly so. It’s tasty, it’s affordable, and it’s readily available in the market. Imperial Blue is Pernod Ricard's highest-selling whisky brand by volume. Imperial Blue is also ranked among the top three bestselling whisky brands in the world, which clearly shows the crazy demand for this whiskey. This whiskey can be fantastic to taste when mixed with soda or even paired with some foodstuffs. It has a lemon tinge and sweet flavour profile. So, if you’re planning to host a party, here are some food pairings that go exceptionally well with Imperial Blue

  • Pork ribs - The next time you’re in the mood to drink Imperial Blue, don’t forget to pair this whiskey with some barbecued pork ribs. The tangy, hot flavour of your spice rub will be enhanced with the addition of Imperial Blue whiskey. Honestly, any meat that hits the grill will be improved by a whisky pairing. If you’re not fond of pork, you can also go for grilled steaks with your whiskey. The combination is to die for. However, one shouldn’t forget that pork ribs go exceptionally well with drinking a sweet whiskey.
  • Read meat - A sweet, smoky bottle of whiskey such as Imperial Blue can never go wrong with some lovely red meat. However, if you are in the mood for a rich, fatty steak, you should look for a deep smoky whisky. Imperial Blue tends to go exceptionally well with leaner cuts. Steaks aren’t the only red meat which goes well with this whiskey. Meatloaf is also delicious when it’s had with whiskey. To complement and enhance the flavour notes of a smoky whisky, lather up your meatloaf with a sweet, spicy barbeque sauce.
  • Cheese - One can never go wrong with cheese and whiskey as a combination. If your tummy curdles at the thought of cheese, then you can go for mild cheese. It tastes perfect with sweeter whiskeys like Imperial Blue. Brie pairs beautifully with a lovely whiskey. The floral notes in some whisky bottles make soft cheese stand out.
  • Smoked salmon - Smoked salmon with whiskey is a dynamic combo. You will love the combination of the flavours. The bitter, dark and smokey flavour of the salmon combines well with whiskies with high rye content. It’s the smoke that gives the whisky a spicy, fruity taste that cuts through the fattiness of the salmon.

  • Dark chocolate - Imperial Blue tastes heavenly with dark chocolate. Milk chocolates tend to work better with rye whiskeys. You can also invest in orange flavoured chocolates. The strong citrus notes in some whiskies enhance the orange-chocolate flavour. For Imperial Blue, in particular, you can go for salty chocolates or bitter dark chocolates to enhance the flavour profiles. 

Whether you wish to know more about the Imperial Whiskey or just read about Imperial Blue Whiskey reviews, the Whiskeypedia will equip you with every detail about this whiskey, as well as others. This website is suited for every budding whiskey connoisseur! 


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